



黄先海       教授、博士生导师,院长



黄先海,男,1965年生,浙江浦江人。复旦大学经济学博士,哈佛大学访问学者(2008年)。现为浙江大学经济学院副院长、教授、博导,主要研究领域为:国际经济学、发展经济学。曾出版个人学术专著《蛙跳型经济增长——后发国发展路径及中国的选择》1部,与人合著著作7部。在《经济研究》、《管理世界》等杂志上发表学术论文50余篇,已先后主持国家社科基金课题等省部级以上课题12项。研究成果曾获得浙江省社科优秀成果特别奖、二等奖,浙江省科技进步二等奖,外经贸部“全国外经贸研究优秀成果奖”等。2005年入选浙江省“新世纪151人才工程”, 2007年入选国家教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”。






An Analysis of the Technology Spillover Effects of the Foreign Trade and FDI in China.  International Trade Journal 2005. (1)

Estimation and Analysis of the Influence of Foreign Trade on China’s total Factor Productivity. World Economy Study 2003(1)

The Empirical Analysis of the Comparison of China’s Security Market with That of the International and Opening-Up Policy. Economic Research Journal2001 (9)

External Restraint: The Main Obstacles to The Diffusion of Two Industrialized Regional Models .China Industrial Economy1997 (11)

Intra-industrial Upgrading: The Characteristics of The Textile Industry Development in Developed Countries and The Inspiration We Got.China Industrial Economy1998 (7)

The Trade Effects of International Direct Investment—An Extended Model and Empirical Analysis. Zhejiang Social Sciences2001 (5)

The Dynamic Development and Evolving Model of The High—Technical Exports Competence in Our Country. Zhejiang Social Sciences2004 (1)

An Analysis of the Ways Promoting the Industrial Structure Upgrading in Zhejiang Province through Foreign Trade and FDI. Journal of Zhejiang University (Humanities and Social Sciences) 2000(6)

 A national difference analysis of Spillovers Effect of Foreign Trade in China. Economic Survey2004 (1)

A Discussion of Functional Technical Industrial Policy—Viewing the Orientation of the Technical Industrial Policy in Our Country From the Point of WTO’Green Box’ Policy. Zhejiang Social Sciences2003 (2)

Estimation and Comparate to the Change of the Labour Productivity in Most China’s Province—Study under the Date Envelopment Analysis, Zhejiang Social Science 2005(5)

Leapfrogging-oriented Economic Growth of the Backward Countries: A theoretical Framework, Economist 2005(2)

Technology Efficiency, Technolgy Innovation and GDP Growth, China Industrial Economy 2007(2)

Embody Technology Progress and The Industrial Productivity Growth of China, The Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economics 2006 (4)

Empirical Analysis on the Effect of Strategic Trade Policy in China’s Car Industry—A Comparison of Subsidy Policy between R&D and Export, World Economy Study 2005(12)

On the Manufacturing Trade Competence in China: Evaluation and Analysis, International Trade Journal 2006(5)

The Vertical Specialization of China’s Manufacturing Export: Evaluation and Analysis, Management World 2007(4)

Bound Entrepreneurship and Internationalisation of Indigenous Chinese Private-owned Firms, International Business Review , V0l.(17) 2008.( SSCI)

Reasons for the Decline of Labor Share: from the Angle of Labor-savingTechnical progress, Economic Research Journal2009 (7) 

An Analysis of the Measurement and the Evolution of the Degree of the Complexity of Industrial Export, Management World 2010(3)