


主  题:How Do Equity Offerings Affect Firms? Evidence on Technology, Employees and Performance

时  间:2019年11月26日(周二)8:30-11:45

地  点:浙江大学玉泉校区经济学院236会议室
主讲人:陆瑶 清华大学经管学院金融系副教授

主持人:王义中 浙江大学经济学院副院长







陆瑶,清华大学经管学院, 金融系副教授。2009年获得美国密歇根大学-安娜堡分校(University of Michigan -- Ann Arbor)罗斯商学院(Ross School of Business) 博士Ph.D. in Business Economics; 在这之前获得美国纽约大学斯特恩商学院 (New York Univesity, Stern School of Business) 统计学-金融工程方向硕士学位,中央财经大学经济学学士学位。


  她曾经在《Journal of Finance》,《Journal of Financial Economics》,《Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis》,《Management ScienceReview of Finance,Journal of Corporate FinanceEcological Economics,《管理世界》,《金融研究》,《管理科学学报》,等多个国内外重要学术期刊上发表过文章。
        她目前担任《Pacific-Basin Finance Journal》的副主编,和《Journal of Financial Economics》,《Review of Financial Studies》,《Journal of Corporate Finance》,《Journal of Banking and Finance》,等国内外多个学术杂志的匿名评审员。


Abstract: Using regulatory shocks on the eligibility to issue seasoned equity offerings (SEOs) in China, we find that over the two-to-three years following the infusion of external capital through SEOs, firms increase expenditures on technology-related tangible- and intangible assets, decrease (increase) low (high) skill workers. On average, the decrease of low skill workers outnumbers the increase of high skill workers, resulting in a net decline in firm-level employment. The decline in employment is greater among firms that invest more in technology following SEOs. Within-firm average wages increase because of the higher skill composition of employees, but total wages remain unchanged because of fewer employees remaining after SEOs. Finally, SEOs substantially increase firm profitability and productivity, suggesting the changes to the inputs of production, namely, a smaller and higher skilled workforce using newer technology, enhance firm performance. To interpret these findings, we provide a simple model wherein SEOs affect firm performance when financially constrained firms have opportunities to adopt productivity-improving technologies.